Our Services
- Medical Therapy of Thyroid Eye disease
- Eyeglasses for double vision
- Orthoptics evaluation
- Orbital Radiotherapy
- Orbital Fat Decompression
- Customized Orbital Decompression
- Combined endoscopic and lateral wall decompression
- Surgical correction of Eyelid Retraction
- Surgical correction of Double vision
- Direct Orbital Tumor Removal
- Trans Sinus Orbital Tumor Resection
- Transcranial Orbital Tumor Surgery
- Modified Lid Sparing Orbital Exentoration
- Endoscopic Assisted Orbital Tumor Resection
- Modified Ptosis Surgery
- Developed Clamp To Treat Trichasis (Used in Africa to treat a blinding form of eyelid malposition)
- Blepharoplasty Cosmetic Surgery
- Direct Orbit Approach Through Cosmetic Incision Surgery
- Combined Neurosurgical Procedure
- Combined Orbit/Sinus Approach
- Medical Treatment
- Orbital Decompression
- Correction of Double Vision
- Correction of Lid Retraction
Treatment of vascular tumors with Interventional neuroradiology
Fine needle biopsy of Orbital Tumors
Tear duct surgery – external and endoscopic
Ptosis(droopy eyelid surgery)
Blepharoplasty cosmetic eyelid surgery
Brow lift
Entropion / Ectropion repair
Trichiasis repair
Eye muscle surgery
Lid retraction surgery
MOHS facial and eyelid reconstruction
Eyelid reconstruction
Skin cancer surgery
Orbital fracture repair
Technologies Available at Columbia University Medical Center
Endoscopic Surgery
Intraoperative Surgical Navigation Devices (Landmark/Brainlab)
Neuroradiology Department (First In The Country)
- High resolution MRI facilities
- MR/CT under pediatric monitored sedation
- Cutting edge PET scan technology
- CT and MR Angiography
Interventional Neuroradiology Team
Cancer center
Mohs Surgery
Orthoptics for treatment of thyroid eye disease double vision
Radiation Therapy for treatment of
- Thyroid Eye Disease
- Orbit Tumors
- Optic Nerve Tumors
Gamma Knife Radiotherapy Center
Craniofacial Team
Vascular Lesion Center
- Treatment of Capillary Hemangioma
- Center for Treatment w/ propranolol